Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Postgraduate Studies

Hello everyone, today i will write about my possible postgraduate studies, i hope you like.
I don´t really know if I would like to continue studying in some postgraduate and if I did it would be abroad, this because study in some postgraduate is very expensive, but after to finish my pregade studies I would like work in some ONG or some investigation about social stratification in my commune which is one of the stratified bot within it and between communes. Also I would like go to other country of vacation or work, would be a new experience.
If I were to go abroad to work I would stay for more time and would think about doing a course postgraduate and would be about social stratification or social networks, this because I like this topics and are very important in the world what are you living. I would study abroad but I don’t know one university in specific, but yes or yes abroad because they give you another perspective to what has already been studied in Chile. Also when I say abroad, I don’t know where, maybe in Sweden or maybe in Brazil because both countries they have more courses and other society, In addition to learning another culture that serves all sociologists.
But I really I don’t know about my future, especially in the subject of postgraduate studies.

Hoping you liked it, see you another time.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

My future job

Hello everyone, today i will write about my perfect future job, i hope you like.
Now that i am finishing the career I wonder what I will work on or rather what I want to work on.  With all the courses that I had, they have given me the tools to perform as a complete sociologist, maybe very statistical or “cuanti” but are for the labor camp.  But nevertheless with something courses I have found what I really want and would make me very happy, this is the action participatory investigation which is very similar to what the investigation “cuali”
This form investigation is very entertaining me and very very gratifying because data generation is not the most important but the most important thing is to leave a solution to the community observed, intervened and in which as researchers we participate as much as possible, it is like an ethnography but we as sociologists are not only going to make a report or an analysis of the problem but also give a solution with the community. That's why it's very gratifying because society is really transforming and by itself we as researchers are only a tool or a guide for them to realize their problems and the solution.
I would be full to work on that really.

Resultado de imagen para sociologia accion participativa

Hoping you liked it, see you another time.


Wednesday, October 2, 2019

My interest in sociology

Hello everyone, i hope you are well. Today i write about of what i love in sociology, of the topics i would like to work in the future.
Since little i liked helping others, but as social problems in my mostly commune because it is far from the center of Santiago, which entails high segregation and a stereotype very strong. Then with my career i would like to specialize about topic of segregations sociosptial, there is no specific course on this but always is a recurrent theme in sociology because is a topic social although linked to other phenomenon rather structural.
Also now I am doing an investigation about the adolescent socialization in the new digital era, specifically in Instagram, what I intend to do is as through the different photographs and the exchange of likes and comments a social products is produced. This is important for me because now the social networks pierce life especially of the adolescents; I would also like to see the stereotype patterns in the photos of teenagers' bodies.
Resultado de imagen para comunidad
Both topics are very interesting for me because are relevant though not very similar.
I hope you liked this post, until next time

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Passion for animals

Hi everyone, today i will write about my love for animals, everyone or almost every.
Since girl i liked them the animals, my parents when i was born always they encouraged me to care for the animals although they preferred dogs and in my house we had various but my house is little for have a dog so that the dog we have is small and most of the time it is outside, his name is Otto and is very old.
Also on vacations, i go south where there are many animals but i have my favorites. Are two kittens that i saw since they were very young and i have a lot of love, now they have around two years old, they are very big and pretties, i see them every time i go.
About a year ago i had a hedgehog in my house, his name was Carmelo, he had neurological damage that was not seen in time, so shortly he died. The little time he was with us, we take care of him and take a lot of love. We miss so much.
Then it only remains to say that I love animals.

Thank you for reading, until the next time

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Best Holidays

Hi again, i hope you are fine. Today i will write about my favorite holidays. Here we go.

The last holidays were wonderful because i toured almost all of the southern Chile. To be more exact from Santiago to Coyhaique. On that travel i found a magical and charming place, Hornopiren, where would i go again, but in general the travel was an adventure as we camp, climb hills, we visit different parks, we went to lakes by the Austral highway. For example we went to Cerro Castillo national park, that we didn´t get to the top because it was too late and it was a long strolling. All we visited was wonderful, full of nature and all very careful.
Resultado de imagen para hornopiren
In those holidays I went with my dad and my little sister, we left in the first days of January and come back the first days of February. This travel has been the best because apart of share with my family, I met places so cute and also to many people in the road.

Resultado de imagen para carretera austral mapa
Thanks a lot for reading,Kind Regards!!!


Wednesday, August 21, 2019

A Country I would like to visit'

Hello everyone!!!!. Today i will explain about the country that i would like to travel and my reasons.
This country is Sweden which is located in northem of Europe; it is located in the area of the Scandinavian countries. I would visit principality because is very cute, it has lots of nature and very important for me is that this country is one of the most equal in the world, in terms of citizen rights. 

About Sweden i dont´t know much, but acording one survey is the country more democratic from a total of 167 country surveyed. And also know which has a similar climate to Chile. 
I would like first know the tourist like museums, parks, mountains, lakes, among other places. Later and if i can study some graduate degree it would be great.
Study in this country would be wonderful because his study system is very good, occupying didactic forms and collectively.
I hope you liked it. 


Friday, November 24, 2017

Experiences with the blog

Hi everyone, today is my last post as the Blogger then i Will recount what i wrote and my experiences typing. I think that the experience it was novel and i liked it a lot, remember my first post when write about me, i though it would be more complicated or it would not be good but i liked. I though it woukd be complicated because i still have trouble writing in spanish (i have a Little imagination), so in english i though if would be more dificult but at the time i was writing it was essier.
The iniciative of the course to write blogs is very good, the mind develops and the objective  of the course is to learn english but this is fun. In a future rather than change or add only let it be more free in issues such as in terms of numbers of word numbers (there are people who do not have much imagination, less in English). I would write about the future of the race, travel, among other things.
The course in general i liked so much and it helped me express and expand my english vocabulary I hope continue with the iniciative of being Blogger.