Wednesday, October 2, 2019

My interest in sociology

Hello everyone, i hope you are well. Today i write about of what i love in sociology, of the topics i would like to work in the future.
Since little i liked helping others, but as social problems in my mostly commune because it is far from the center of Santiago, which entails high segregation and a stereotype very strong. Then with my career i would like to specialize about topic of segregations sociosptial, there is no specific course on this but always is a recurrent theme in sociology because is a topic social although linked to other phenomenon rather structural.
Also now I am doing an investigation about the adolescent socialization in the new digital era, specifically in Instagram, what I intend to do is as through the different photographs and the exchange of likes and comments a social products is produced. This is important for me because now the social networks pierce life especially of the adolescents; I would also like to see the stereotype patterns in the photos of teenagers' bodies.
Resultado de imagen para comunidad
Both topics are very interesting for me because are relevant though not very similar.
I hope you liked this post, until next time

1 comment:

  1. I don't know much about sociology, but the investigation you're working on sounds very interesting. Good luck with that!
